sábado, 13 de maio de 2017

How to control your thoughts.

How to control your thoughts.

The first step to this is to start paying attention to your thinking. Ask yourself. What am I thinking?

Realizing what you do not want to think about. What thought do I want it to be different?

So it defines how I want to think. How do I want to think? What do I want to think?

After this exercise, you need to put yourself in meditation.

During the relaxation process usually, come the pictures that you do not want to think about. Then you will overlap that thought with what you want to think.

And for a long time, unwanted thinking tends to come back. The job is to always go suppressing these thoughts and putting what you want to think about.

You will see that now the recurring thoughts will be the ones you wanted instead of the unwanted ones. As simple as that.

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